hoky 👶 Hokey Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom
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hoky - Hokey Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom
hoky - Hokey definition of hokey by The the crypt demo slot Free Dictionary Hokey Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom Define hokey hokey synonyms hokey pronunciation hokey translation English dictionary definition of hokey adj hokier hokiest Slang 1 Mawkishly sentimental corny 2 Noticeably contrived artificial hokily adv hokiness hokeyness n Synonyms for HOKEY rustical cornball rustic corny cornfed folksy cornpone countrified Antonyms of HOKEY sophisticated worldly smart cosmopolitan withit hip worldlywise trendy Two glasses of wine and he gets unbearably hokey it39s hard to believe he39s a highly paid executive Synonyms mushy goopy cloying melodramatic maudlin corny obviously contrived especially to win popular appeal or support phony The hokey stories of his impoverished childhood always surface at election time hokey adjective Definition pictures pronunciation and Hockey Wikipedia When it first signed on the air in 1979 it was hokey and carried few popular sports What feels hokey in a speech is actually majestic in person You could call it hokey but it is deliberately unapologetically so It39s like that really hokey concept that when you die you then turn into a flower Something that39s hokey is silly and sentimental you could also call it sappy or mawkish A hokey speech is more likely to make people roll their eyes and squirm than to make them cry You can buy your friend a hoki99 slot online hokey birthday card as a joke or read her a hokey poem to make her laugh hokey Wiktionary the free dictionary hokey comparative hokier superlative hokiest US colloquial Phony as if a hoax noticeably contrived of obviously flimsy credibility or quality When asked for his book report Chad came up with a series of hokier and hokier excuses There are many types of hockey Some games make the use of skates either wheeled or bladed while others do not In order to help make the distinction between these various games the word hockey is often preceded by another word ie field hockey ice hockey roller hockey rink hockey or floor hockey Examples of hokey in a Sentence She gave us some hokey excuse for being late their father39s sense of humor was hokey beyond belief and most people39s endurance Recent Examples on the Web If the idea of selfcompassion feels uncomfortable or even hokey take that as a cue to explore whymaybe in the pages of your journal HOKEY Definition Meaning Dictionarycom HOKEY Synonyms 20 Similar and Opposite Words MerriamWebster HOKEY definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary Hokey Definition Meaning MerriamWebster Check pronunciation hokey Definition of hokey adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner39s Dictionary Meaning pronunciation picture example sentences grammar usage slot demo gates of olympus notes synonyms and more
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